Saturday, January 07, 2006

An update -- it's about time!

WOW -- I have been extremely lazy when it comes to updating my blog. I have, however, been busy knitting, among other things. My son's first birthday party was on December 10th (his actual birthday was December 8th) and then there was Christmas. I was frantically knitting my MIL's Christmas gift, which I unfortunately forgot to take a picture of.

I do, however, have pictures of several FOs. My new iPod needed a cozy, which I whipped up and felted yesterday.

I also finally finished the branching out scarf (picture to follow),as well as an extremely long scarf/wrap whose colors I absolutely love. It was knit by casting on 160 stitches, knitting about 30 rows, and then binding off. The furry edging was done in Glowlash and was knitted on later by picking up stitches along the short edges.

Happy New Year to you all! Good times and happy knitting wishes!


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